T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
BALIKESİR / BURHANİYE - Burhaniye Mehmet Akif Ersoy İlkokulu

e-Safety Policy


·       Parental leave form is taken from parents of all students that participates in Projects.

·       Videos or photos that show students' faces directly cannot be published without they are blurred. If it is a must, parents are informed where and how these materials will be used and after their written approval these materials can be used.

·       A twinspace user name and password is given to each student. And it is provided that students make their own sharings and they follow the project closely.

·       Students cannot bring their mobile devices without their parents approval and they have to inform their teachers and school principal that it is a need for a study of a project.

·       Even if it is for the project, only the teachers' recorders can be used at school.

·       Communication is made with other partners by the teachers with in school hours. Also, students can talk on forums by way of twinspace as part of Project. They are checked by the Project coordinator teachers.

·       The day of secure internet is celebrated in our school. All the students, teachers and other participants of the school are informed about up to date security topics.

·       As part of the secure internet day, informing meetings are held to the students and parents in February.

·       Parents are informed about e-security in every parents' meeting.

·       Our e-security policy is within the secure internet frame that is published by Ministry of Education.


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Yayın: 10.02.2019 - Güncelleme: 24.01.2023 12:37 - Görüntülenme: 327
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